Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Piña Aloha Sandwich (P6.00)

A version of bread rolls that uses with a  bit of condensed milk and mayonnaise. Flattened bread to cover the pineapple candy, hotdog and cheese that serve as a filling then cook into deep fry oil. This product is made to meet the satisfaction of the customer when it comes to different uses o bread.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

La Piña Con Suman (P7.00)

Suman is one of the traditional Filipino food kakanin. If you want something easy to enjoy this weekend, it can’t get any simpler than cassava suman. Our suman very unique in which we added pineapple jam as its filling to make it more delicious and nutritious. Please try our La Piña Con Suman and we will make sure that you will be satisfied! :)

Lumpina (P5.00)

Every Filipino's love lumpia. This product will also love by anyone. Lumpina is a new version of pinoy's lumpia made of beef with the mix of pineapple candy. The sweet taste of pineapple gives a different flavor in every bite.

Puto Mania (P6.00)

This product is a version of Pinoy's puto with the filling of pineapple candy and with the yummy cheese as a toppings. It's flavors give a different taste to the Pinoy puto style.


Pinecake (P6.00)

A new version of pancake with the mix of pineapple jam. This product brings a new taste to the customer that will be surely love. :)

Maca del Sol ( 3pcs. for 10)

A macaroon version which made with pineapple candy inside that serves as a filling and gives a different taste to the product.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Pineapple is beneficial in so many ways, it can prevent blood clot formation because of its bromelain content. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes that is good for the digestive system and helps in maintaining ideal weight and balanced nutrition. Pineapples are a good source of vitamin C and can be eaten raw or used in cooking. It has minimal fat and sodium with no cholesterol. pineapple is delicious, healthy and nutritious.
These are one of the reasons why you should taste our products. Buy now!!!
Siguradong mapa Oh la la ka sa sarap!! Mura na, Masustansiya pa.
 We also accept orders, just text or 09127831606 or leave your messages here. Thank you.